Morning Watch- Beginning the day in Prayer

At 7:00 AM, the alters in the Tabernacle open for all to gather in prayer. Guided by designated individuals, this special time, is a way to bathe the daily worship, study and activities of Camp Meeting, in community prayer. The long-standing practice of Morning Watch is the just the first opportunity for group prayer throughout the day.

Afternoon Prayer- Blessings around the grounds

Each afternoon from 3:30-4:15 PM, Prayer warriors gather at various locations around the grounds to pray for individuals, staff, and programs of the current camp. A colorful sign designates the new location each day. All ages are welcome to attend.

Evening Prayer- A Benediction for the day

As a day at camp closes, the alter in the Tabernacle will once again be open for a time of private prayer and meditation. Beginning at 10:30 PM, all are welcome to reflect and pray in the silence of the Tabernacle until 10:45 PM.