COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

This post has been updated as of July, 12, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. EST.

Grace and peace to all,

It’s with greatly mixed emotions I write to let you know your ERC Board has voted to cancel all programmed ministries and activities for 2020. A great deal of work has been done to prepare for camp while also looking out for everyone’s safety, but with the increase of COVID in Michigan and the difficulties of providing safe programs, the task became overwhelming. It was with sadness that the decision to cancel our gathering for 2020 was made.

The grounds of the camp will remain open for anyone who desires to come and enjoy the beauty and spiritual richness of this place. These grounds have been set aside, dedicated to God, for generations. They have been filled with faithful, praying people, and many of us feel a closeness to God here that is physically tangible. If you want to come and enjoy this space, you are welcome. The campground is open for RVs and tents, and costs for camping will be at the same rate as if camp was being held. Our hiking trails are open, as is seating by the cross, but bug dope is recommended as the mosquitoes are intense this year. If you find yourself around others here, please wear a mask, not just because our governor says so, but because you choose to love and respect everyone. Please join me in working to protect everyone’s health.

While nothing can replace physically gathering here, I’ll be working with others to see what we can share electronically with you. Please check our website from time to time for any new information and resources. Whatever you do and wherever you go, please continue to share Christ’s love as we respect and care for one another’s health. I pray that even without ERC 2020 you will still seek out ways to draw close to God, hear His voice, and hear God’s challenge to live as His holy people forever. To God be the glory, always!

In Christ’s love,

LaVerne Davenport

This post has been updated as of Wednesday, June 24, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. EST.

Grace and peace to all!

In our continuing effort to keep you informed as we move closer to ERC 2020, I have more news to share. Your age-related leaders continue to work hard but are challenged trying to find volunteers willing and able to serve during this time of COVID 19. In part from needing more volunteers and in part from survey responses:

· Begindergarten will be open from 10am to the close of morning worship, but closed in the evenings.

· The Children’s Center will also be open from 10am throughout morning worship, but will also be closed in the evening.

· The evening time will be like it was years ago, with families caring for children during evening worship. While I did not grow up here, I remember my mother’s big purse and her ability to keep pulling out things for me to do, things to show me love, things to hold my attention and occupy my time. Please, be creative, and plan now for wonderful ways to show love to your children and grandchildren. Mary Jane and I will be joining you in this endeavor.

· There will be an ‘Arts and Crafts’ time in the afternoon under a tent. More details coming.

I have good news regarding food service!

· Meals will be prepared and served from our cafeteria kitchen!

· Because of COVID restrictions, we encourage you to eat at the picnic tables which will be placed outside the cafeteria. Inside seating will be very limited, and should be reserved for those with great needs. There will be other changes, so please pay close attention to signs, marks on floor/ground, etc.

· Here are the costs associated with meals:

· Breakfast – $4 (age 3-11) or $5 (ages 12 and up)

· Lunch – $5 (ages 3-11) or $6 (ages 12 and up)

· Dinner – $7 (ages 3-11) or $8 (ages 12 and up )

· Sunday Noon Dinner – $8 (ages 3-11) or $9 (ages 12 and up)

· Meal ticket (wristband) for all of camp – $105 (ages 3-11) or $125 (ages 12+)

· Punch Card – a card customizable for you. See below for explanation.

· If you want, you may purchase a ‘punch card’ which you will carry with you for specific meals. Each ‘punch card’ will be customized for the number of meals (any combination of breakfasts/lunches/dinners) you want. The cost of the punch card is simply taking the number of meals x the cost for those meals.

· We strongly encourage you to contact Dan Hielkema, our treasurer, to pay ahead of time for meal tickets, and for a punch card. You can contact Dan Hielkema at to arrange payment and a meeting time/place. Our goal is for you to move as quickly as possible through the line and not have to worry about payment at time of meal.

· We are not making change for cash payments this year (we will however gladly consider any over payments as your generous gift to the camp!). Cash payments must be exact as no change will be given (so come with a lot of $1 bills).

· Please plan on paying for your meals before going to the cafeteria. Please use the contact information above to arrange payment with our treasurer, to pay prior to camp, or at the camp office.

The Ice Cream Shop will be open! Orders will be taken at one window and your sweet treat handed to you out another window. While there will be no cones, there will be bowls, sundaes, shakes and malts. Yumm! Costs and methods of payment are still being worked out. More details will be coming.

We continue to monitor COVID restrictions and will take necessary precautions to guard individual’s health. Please plan to bring a mask and wear it when you are in close proximity with non-family members. While we know some of you are comfortable being up close together, please respect the needs and desires of those who are holding fast to their 6 foot bubble of protected space. Please know we will use physical distancing to protect you while you wait in lines and wherever we will gather in groups on the grounds. In my next update I’ll share info on our plans for keeping people safe in the Tabernacle while we participate in full and rich times of worship and learning from God’s Word. Camp will be different, but our God is a great and loving God. I believe God will richly and wonderfully bless us as we gather, even sitting 6 feet apart.

May your coming days be blessed with health, hope, and joy as we live together as brothers and sisters of our risen Lord Jesus!

In His service,

LaVerne Davenport

This post has been updated as of Sunday, June 6, 2020, at 4:30 p.m. EST.

Grace and peace to all from the beautiful grounds of Eaton Rapids Camp. I have news for you! After much discussion and prayerful thought, your Board voted to hold camp this summer as normally as possible. Details will be worked out, but it’s time to put the date on your calendar.

I realize COVID 19 has changed our lives and we need to be aware that this virus is still active in the world, but with careful preparation we believe it’s possible to safely gather in our Tabernacle again. Age group Area Directors will plan programs within appropriate safety guidelines and legal restrictions. We’ll do things as normally as possible, but know, things will not be normal this year. Some may choose not to come because of fragile health or personal / family concerns. Some may limit what camp events they attend. I’m asking you to carefully consider your decision, and do what is right for you.

If you come, you will be welcomed and encouraged to live safely with other campmeeting folks. Masks may be uncomfortable and less than perfect, but they may still be appropriate at times. Please respect the wishes of others regarding physical distancing. Some adjustments will be made regarding space, and this will particularly impact housing and food service. We’re still working on the details. We won’t starve you or make you sleep on the riverbank; but, conditions may be a bit different. As additional decisions are made, I will share them with you via our website and email.

In this time of great cultural uncertainty and unrest, remember, God still sits on the Throne! He also walks with us as we invite and allow His presence, no matter how deep and dark the valley. This is a season, a new day is coming when all this will be but a memory. Our challenge until then is to live confidently and joyfully, trusting our lives and our future in God’s hands. Seek God’s wisdom in all you do and do not live in fear. Jesus is Lord, and He is Good. To Him be honor and glory, forever!

In His service,

LaVerne Davenport, President

This post has been updated as of Thursday, May 7, 2020, at 3:30 p.m. EST.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board has been discussing the 2020 campmeeting. At this time, camp is still scheduled, but a final decision will be made on June 6th and communicated to the public no later than June 8th. Because of this situation, a camp brochure will not be published for this year. Important note: Please check back on our website or Facebook page for ongoing updates regarding the 2020 campmeeting.

During this unprecedented and challenging time, we welcome and encourage you to remain active with camp through prayer and continuing your pledges and donations. A charitable contribution can be made by clicking on the Donate button on this site or through Paypal by searching for, or you may mail in your donation to our P.O. box.

Blessings & stay safe,
LaVerne Davenport, President

This post has been updated as of Thursday, April 16, 2020, at 4:30 p.m. EST.

Hello all,

I hope and pray you are all well and enjoying good health wherever you are self-isolating. Mary Jane and I have extended our stay in Arizona, but will soon return to the beauty of our camp.

To give you a brief update in this season of COVID 19:

· Your Board of Directors is prayerfully and thoughtfully working in this challenging time. No decision has been made yet about this year’s campmeeting. Conditions continue to change, and while ordinarily our gathering is largely about matters of spiritual health, physical health is also vitally important. I invite you to join us in prayer.

· Our speakers continue to hold our dates available, and will be ready with great messages should we be able to say, “Y’all Come!”.

· Our musicians are also ready and eager to share with us and to help lead us before the throne of Almighty God.

· Program Directors are prayerfully readying materials and considering options for remote connections should those be needed.

With conditions changing so fluidly, I’m asking the Board to continue to pray, to begin planning for how to use ‘remote connections’ of we’re not able to meet face-to-face, while still hoping and praying we can hold our campmeeting in Eaton Rapids. We plan to make a firm decision by early June, and will share updates and decisions both here and in the Ripples.

I know we are all ready for COVID 19 to be over and gone, but please continue to take all appropriate measures to protect your health and the health of others. This season will pass, and one day we’ll be able to tell folks how we sheltered and survived this pandemic. For right now, please join me and your Board in prayer for our health workers, for those seeking a cure and a vaccine, and for those striving to help life continue as normally as possible. Share love and compassion everywhere and with everyone. Remember, God loves you, and all of us, and calls us to all trust and follow Him!

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Grace and peace and health to you all!

In Christ,
LaVerne Davenport, President

Eaton Rapids Campmeeting