Dr. Hubert Harriman

Dr. Tom Hermiz
Dr. Hubert Harriman was born and raised in Bolivia, South America, where his parents were missionaries with WGM. He earned his BA from Vennard College (Iowa) before doing graduate work at Jerusalem University College in Israel, and then earned an MA from Anderson School of Theology (Indiana). In 2004, Wesley Biblical Seminary (Mississippi) conferred on Dr. Harriman an honorary doctorate. In 2016, Universidad Evangelica Boliviana (Bolivia Evangelical University) conferred on Dr. Harriman a second honorary doctorate (where he presently serves as a member of their Board of Directors).

Hubert pastored Ligonier Evangelical Church for 26 years. He also served as superintendent of the East Central Conference of the Evangelical Church for two years before becoming the fifth president of WGM in June 2002, where he served until his retirement in 2016. Throughout his ministry, Hubert has been a frequent speaker at church revivals, youth camps, camp meetings, seminars, retreats, conferences, and campaigns, both in the United States and internationally.

In addition to growing up as an MK (missionary kid), Hubert’s ties to WGM include serving on the Board of Directors; serving with Sarah as missionaries in Argentina; speaking on various WGM fields; and participating with Summer Career Corp (now Volunteers in Action) in Mexico during his senior year in college. Along with various published articles, Hubert is the co-author, with Dr. Barry Callen, of the book Color Me Holy.

Hubert and his wife, Sarah, have three grown and married daughters, four granddaughters, and five grandsons.

In appreciation for his 14 years as president of WGM, the WGM Board of Directors honored him with the titles WGM President Emeritus and WGM Ambassador at Large. Hubert and Sarah are responding to speaking engagements as God continues to open those doors. They champion marriage, family, the church, community, missions and evangelism, with a passion born of years of experience.

Eaton Rapids Campmeeting