Dave Engbrecht

Dave Engbrecht PhotoDave Engbrecht serves as Pastor at Large of Nappanee Missionary Church, Nappanee, Indiana, which is part of the Missionary Church, Inc.

Previously, Dave served as Senior Pastor of Nappanee Missionary Church for 41 years before changing roles to work with local, regional and global partners along with being a part of the teaching team at Nappanee Missionary Church, which is in rural Northern Indiana. The church has been called “the miracle in the cornfield.” Dave’s vision is to “make fully committed disciples” through healthy local churches led by gifted leaders.

One of Dave’s passions is to pour himself into leaders and organizations with whom Nappanee Missionary Church has partnerships. He currently serves as Chairman of both the Sammy Tippit Board of Directors (San Antonio, Texas), and the World Gospel Mission Board of Directors (Marion, Indiana). Along with many other organizations he serves on the Bethel University Board of Directors (Mishawaka, Indiana). Dave, along with his team has planted and restarted numerous churches across Northern Indiana.

He has spoken at numerous retreats, leadership and business training events, conferences and camps in North America as well as in India, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Mexico, Honduras, Pakistan, Jamaica, Kenya, Russia, Romania, and Armenia.

Born in South Bend, Indiana, Dave earned a bachelor’s degree from Vennard College in University Park, Iowa and a Master of Education degree at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska. He has done Doctoral Studies at Temple Baptist Seminary in Chattanooga,

Tennessee. He and his wife, Christy, reside in Nappanee, Indiana and are the parents of two married children and five grandchildren.


· Dave graduated from Lincoln East High School in Lincoln, Nebraska and is a dedicated Nebraska football fan even in hard times, which has happened for 25 years.

· Dave is the son of a pastor and grew up in South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska.

· Dave is a NASCAR fan and had the opportunity to give the opening prayer at the NASCAR night race at Bristol, Tennessee when it was one of the ten toughest places in America to get a sports tickets. His favorite driver was always #24, Jeff Gordon.

· He still believer Michael Jordan (#23) is the best ever NBA player.

Eaton Rapids Campmeeting